Major blockchain conference, BlockShow Europe 2018, has completed their polling which set out to discover the most influential companies and women changing the European blockchain landscape.

By using a first-of-its-kind application to conduct the global polling, the conference also demonstrated how blockchain tech can be easily used by those that may not have a deep understanding of the technology.

Using Polys – the blockchain-based polling app – the BlockShow team tallied 2000+ votes aimed at identifying the most influential examples of woman, and of companies in Europe – from a shortlist compiled by a BlockShow team that featured 15 women, and 15 companies from the blockchain industry.

The results were announced today, on the opening day of the BlockShow Europe 2018 conference in Berlin. The results in the Distinguished Women category include Dr Quy Vo-Reinhard, who finished in first place. Vo-Reinhard is Chief Data Officer and co-founder of the HIT Foundation – a decentralised marketplace for health data. Dr Quy Vo-Reinhard is also taking part as a speaker in the Solutions Session ‘The Rise of Humanitarian Use Cases’ – on the Main Stage at 4-20 pm today!

“I believe the blockchain can bring a bright future to the global community. I was born in a country where, 40 years ago, a majority of people believed women belonged in the kitchen. I feel that I’ve come a long way: being here, speaking, and receiving an award for what I’m doing for women in tech and at the HIT Foundation is amazing. I suggest next year there should be a category for men, too — we all work really hard in this industry. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with capability and performance,” — said Dr Quy Vo-Reinhard.

I dedicate my award to all women working in the field, especially backstage. This industry — and this event — can’t be successful without you, ladies.”

When looking at the game-changing companies, Bitfury took first place among the field of 15 competitors. In addition, Bitfury is also leading the charge in developing blockchain initiatives for enterprise solutions. Founded in 2011, the Bitfury Group is the world’s leading full-service blockchain technology company and one of the largest infrastructure providers in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Bitfury currently has more than 500 employees working in 16 countries around the world, including the USA, Russia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, Japan, Norway, Georgia, Canada and the UK. “Bitfury is grateful for this show of support,” said Valery Vavilov, CEO of Bitfury. “We work hard every day to develop and advance blockchain solutions for governments, businesses and institutions that make life better for people – in Europe and around the world. And we are more committed than ever to bringing this game-changing technology to life.”

You can find the full results of the polling here.