UnionPay International and Kanbawza Bank (KBZ Bank) have begun issuing credit cards to customers. The card is from UnionPay and will come in two forms: a Classic Card and a …
equipifi, a white label SaaS company powering financial institutions with split payments on the debit card, announced today that its Buy Now, Pay Later solution is now accessible through the …
PropTech leader RentRedi has acquired eRentPayment and PaymentReport, further enhancing its award-winning rental management software that simplifies the renting process for both landlords and renters.
Cardpay announces its further expansion into 5 new major markets including US, Mexico, Brazil, China and Singapore.
Fiserv announced that Velocity Credit Union has selected Fiserv as a key technology provider as the credit union diversifies into business services.
Diebold Nixdorf announced that it will upgrade VyStar Credit Union’s entire ATM network.
Seventy-Four of the Top 100 US Merchants Now Accept Apple Pay.
Yello announced that its revolutionary new Y7 terminal has received all industry approvals and certifications and is now ready for market.
PaySend revolutionising international money transfer with the launch of PaySendLink.
IBM announced that financial services provider, Australian Settlements Limited, has adopted IBM Cloud for its New Payments Platform (NPP) implementation that will provide members real-time payments that can be cleared …